Rachel Uchitel


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via Los Angeles Public Relations by Latest News on 11/27/09

rachel uchitel

The gossip columns are speculating a lot more was happening when Tiger Woods had his car accident earlier today.

It has been rumoured that Tiger Woods has been allegedly conducting an affair with Rachel Uchitel.

It seems that an argument started between Tiger and  Elin, over reports of the affair.

Woods was injured in the accident and taken to Health Central Hospital.

Supposedly his wife Elin Nordegren made the lacerations on his face and also came at him with a golf club while he was trying to drive off in the car.

Other reports say that Elin Nordegren used the golf club to help save her husband after the incident.

The alleged fight and incident is being reported by gossip website TMZ.

Rachel Uchitel claimed to be having an affair with Bones star David Boreanaz back in October.

It was shrugged off after being reported on the celebrity gossip sites after they had ran the story.

But if she will claim her attention she obviously is looking for, if this alleged affair with Woods, comes to light.

The National Enquirer reported about the affair, the tabloid not known for it's facts, said that a friend of Rachel's told them "Rachel told me, 'I'm having an affair with Tiger Woods. We're in love!' She even read me text messages Tiger sent her that said 'I love you, babe. It's always going to be just you and me. They were constantly sexting."

His lawyer had confirmed that Woods and Uchitel had met at a club, but denies all charges, to the National Enquirer print edition.

Police say alcohol was not a factor in the accident.


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