Rant & Rave: An awkward trailing vine at the nursery

Rave To the nice employee at Swanson's Nursery who came up quietly behind me and said in a low voice, "Ma'am, you'll have to return to the restroom — you have a long trail of toilet paper hanging out the back." Indeed, I did — at least 2 feet long. I applaud her graciousness and thank her for making me painfully snicker at myself.

Rant To aggressive petition-takers trying to get passers-by to sign their petitions. Lighten up. No one wants to be browbeaten or insulted. You're defeating the purpose of the cause you represent.

Rave To the two men working at Sluys Bakery who broke out into delightful a cappella song. I hope people strolling the streets of Poulsbo will hear your harmony and stop in for the great doughnuts!

Rant and Rave Rave to my neighbors who called 911 when they saw two people breaking into my house, and to the police who arrived quickly so our loss was minimized. We really appreciate it. Rant to the two who broke a window and kicked in a door and stole money from my 85-year-old mom's room.

Rave To people who take the time to remove their garage-sale signs once the sales are done.

Rant To all of those folks who sample our store's cherries and leave the pits in the aisle, in with the other cherries and under the display boxes. You are rude and gross.

Rave Many thanks to the U.S. Postal Service employee(s) who returned the library books I mistakenly deposited in the mailbox!

Rant To the person or persons who continuously steal trinkets/memorabilia from our mother's grave in Preston. My mother would say, "If they took it, they needed it more than she did." But shame on you!

Rave To the people who came to my rescue when I was assaulted and knocked down, helping me and quickly calling the police so they could arrest the man who'd also pushed several other people along Third Avenue.

source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/living/2015934868_rantrave21.html?prmid=head_main

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